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ARTICLE | January 16, 2018
News Reporting on Human Trafficking: Exploratory Qualitative Interviews with Illinois News Journalists
Media—in particular news coverage—contribute toward shaping public understanding and opinion on societal issues, and influence policies, programs, and legislative action. While a small number of previous studies have explored journalists' reporting on other social issues, very little is known about their perceptions and knowledge of human trafficking. In this exploratory...
human trafficking
ARTICLE | November 07, 2017
Procedural Justice in Policing: How the Process of Justice Impacts Public Attitudes and Law Enforcement Outcomes
An increasing number of widely publicized and divisive incidents between police and citizens suggest a need for police policies and practices to improve procedural justice. Procedural justice emphasizes the need for police to demonstrate their legitimacy to the public in four areas—voice, transparency, fairness, and impartiality. This article explains...
procedural justice